Feb '18

“The Miracle of Salvation”
Feb '18

“We’ve never been part of a church that’s just getting started, so this is all new territory for us. The bottom line is, it’s AWESOME! It’s incredible to see God at work, bringing people together and making the pieces fall into place. For the first time in years, we are truly excited about being in a Sunday morning service. We haven’t worshipped and learned like we are now in quite some time.”
Feb '18

“The Miracle of Salvation”
Feb '18

“ What drew me to church were the strong family relationships. I grew up in church all my life but did not know Christ Himself. He was so misrepresented in the religious ‘Christianity’ I knew. When I came to church I met genuine people who loved God and loved each other. I was loved on by people who made me feel that it was okay to be not okay sometimes. I didn’t have to put on a smile.”
Feb '18

“The Miracle of Salvation”
Feb '18

“ I first came to church when visiting my sister. For me, church is an oasis where I can be refreshed with living water. It is a privilege to be part of something great! Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation I have found in Jesus, I have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. A church that loves God.”