Prayer Request

Samantha Tucker, May 13, 2022 - 11:59 am

Jesus help! I really don't know how Kevin feels but I know what you have done and I know we messed it up. Jesus I love him, he knows I love him. Jesus you know I want to be in a relationship with Kevin and he knows I want to be in a relationship with him. Jesus give me peace about this situation. Forgive our sins, restore us and fix it!!! Jesus reedem us, we need you, we're foolish, we're miserable and honestly we can't have anything good without you. Jesus please walk in and counsel us, speak to us, tell us what you want for and from us. Jesus direct our path, please help by answering my prayers with a yes. Matthew 21:22, I have faith in you but if I need help with my unbelief, help me believe. Jesus in your name, I pray for a blessed committed faithful long-term relationship with Kevin David Wherry with your counsel and protection in and over it. Amen